Published in London

LSEG Data Center Hosts TNS Trading & Market Data Systems

Mar 01, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

The trading and market data systems of its clients are being transferred from the Main Data Center, which is now in the City of London, to the new London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Data Center, which is located close to the Docklands. After securing considerable infrastructure capacity in the new data center and adding the new location to its sizable portfolio of Layer 1 accessible markets, the company has successfully migrated several clients. Network connectivity and ultra-low latency mutualized market access are provided by the Layer 1 switching solution. Moving to the new LSEG facility with TNS, according to Jeff Mezger, Vice President of Product Management for TNS' Financial Markets division, has gone smoothly for their clients. 

From companies that need a partial rack-up to global banks that need multiple contiguous cabinets, TNS ensures differentiating services for various market participants. These participants can rely on TNS to research, acquire, and maintain their exchange ties, data center space, and equipment. Using the company's ultra-low latency Layer 1 technology in the data center, the Managed Hosting solution offers rack-optimized cabling and design, giving users access to execution rates that are ten times quicker than conventional layer three systems. 

According to the company's measurements, TNS Layer 1 may provide connection in as little as 5 to 85 nanoseconds without additional switches. The most advanced international network of TNS now completely incorporates the new LSEG Data Center. Several capital formation and execution venues, such as the London Stock Exchange, AIM, Turquoise, CurveGlobal, FXall, and Tradeweb, are part of the London Stock Exchange Group, providing customers with wide access to capital markets and liquidity across many asset classes.

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