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  • French telco group Iliad to invest in OpCore data center unit

France: French telco group Iliad to invest in OpCore data center unit

Jun 01, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

French telco group Iliad has revealed plans to invest billions of Euros into its OpCore data center unit as it aims to expand that business unit over the next decade. The company plans to invest €2.5 billion  in organic developments, supported by Iliad and a future financial partner and has also hinted that it would invest in “opportunistic M&A.”

“Iliad's ambition, in terms of data centers, is the size of Europe,” Thomas Reynaud, Iliad CEO, said during the presentation of the results.

In a press release, Reynaud said: “The Group is radically changing scale – from a technological perspective, thanks to our promising investments in the Freebox Ultra, the Cloud, AI, and new data centers, and from a geographical perspective. Having become Tele2’s reference shareholder, we are now present in eight European countries. Forming part of Europe’s top five telcos is within our reach, and as from this year!”