Nov 11, 2016 | Posted by Eric Bell
EdgeConnex has branded an Edge Landing Station. Not a bad move considering their success and branding their Edge data centers.
The first-of-its-kind Edge Landing Station™ (ELS) will utilize Electric Lightwave’s fiber network to provide customers with direct access to transpacific subsea cables from the San Diego Edge Data Center.
The fiber network will offer direct connections to cable landing stations across California, including Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo. These landing stations provide access to five major transpacific submarine cables: China-US, Japan-US South, Asia-America Gateway (AAG), Southern Cross and TPC-5.
Ultimately, the ELS will serve as a gateway where Pacific subsea systems can meet with terrestrial networks. This will enable the most direct and diverse connectivity on the West Coast. The ELS will also offer carrier-neutral, enterprise-grade colocation. San Diego Edge customers like Cox and Megaport will gain access to multiple connectivity options, and numerous content providers.
Link to Data Center Post Article