Philadelphia-based investment manager CenterSquare has filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against data center firm Centersquare. The lawsuit, filed on August 24, includes allegations of cybersquatting, or using a domain name too similar to a protected trademark with the intent to profit from the lack of distinction.
In legal filings, CenterSquare said it “has suffered and will continue to suffer irreparable loss of income, profits, and goodwill, and Dawn has and will continue to unfairly acquire income, profits, and goodwill.”
E Todd Briddell, CEO at CenterSquare Investment, said: “We have raised, and continue to raise, significant capital to invest directly in businesses similar to Centersquare. We have heard from investors, property owners, and other intermediaries confused by the two entities. Our employees have been mistaken at conferences and business meetings as being associated with the wrong business.”
Brookfield’s Centersquare has sustained in legal filings that there is no overlap between the businesses, with CEO Spencer Mullee citing the trademark registration as evidence. He said: “Centersquare believes there is ample room for both companies to thrive without conflict, given our different markets and offerings. We are confident that our businesses, and use of trademark, can peacefully coexist.”