Published in Africa

Algeria Telecom launches new data center

Mar 05, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

State-owned Algeria Telecom has announced the launch of a new data center in Constantine, Algeria. Although specific details regarding the facility are yet to be released, the company said that it is ‘equipped with the latest technology in addition to a cloud platform.’ Further, the facility is pegged to collect, process, and store enterprise and corporate data.

Speaking about the launch, the company said: “A data center of Algeria Telecom was inaugurated today at the level of the wilaya [province] of Constantine, where this project was fully completed by the teams of Algeria Telecom, which is a real achievement for the institution,” the state-owned company said this week.”

The company has also announced its plans to expand its footprint further in the country, but has not provided details regarding this yet. 

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