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  • MoU in Zambia to lead to data center projects in the region

Africa: MoU in Zambia to lead to data center projects in the region

Mar 27, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

The Zambian Minister of Science and Technology recently announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Liquid Telecommunications, a digital infrastructure provider, to develop a commercialized data center, alongside several fiber projects in Zambia.

The MoU is reportedly part of the Zambian government's plan to enhance information access and communication technologies (ICT) as part of the acceleration of the digital transformation, in line with Zambia's 8th National Development Program.

Zambian Minister of Science and technology, Felix Mutati, said: "The free connection to the Internet in our various schools will transform the way we deliver education here in Zambia."