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  • Switch and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center to partner and create a water pipeline for recycled water

Reno: Switch and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center to partner and create a water pipeline for recycled water

Nov 03, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Switch and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center have joined forces to create a regional water improvement pipeline. The project in Sparks, Nevada, will see the construction of a 16-mile pipeline that will transport 4,000 acre-feet of “treated effluent water” from the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) to the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRI Center).

According to reports, the project, paid by a regional public-private partnership, is the first in Nevada’s history to garner the support of every municipality and agency in the Northern Nevada area. And, there truly is widespread support. Partners include; the State of Nevada, the City of Reno, the City of Sparks, Washoe County, Storey County, Truckee Meadows Water Authority, and Master Developer of TRI Center, Switch and others.

The project will reportedly have a number of benefits, including the elimination of the infusion of nitrate-rich effluent water entering the Truckee River, the ability to provide clean instream water, the improvement of the overall water quality entering Pyramid Lake, the protection of endangered Cui-ui fish and the creation of hundreds of well-paid and steady jobs in the local community.

Speaking about the huge impact this project will have, Governor of Nevada Steve Sisolak commented: "This is a true win-win project that will create hundreds of good jobs in the community, while at the same time providing important environmental sustainability outcomes that benefit the residents and businesses along the Truckee River system. I commend each of the government entities that have made this model of regional coordination and cooperation a reality."

Meanwhile, Switch President Thomas Morton said it will benefit Switch and its sustainability mission: "This innovative solution helps not only Switch, but our 1,300 plus global customers operate mission-critical technology infrastructure in the most sustainable way using 100 percent recycled water to protect the area's precious natural resources.”

Ed Lawson, Mayor of Sparks, Nevada, also explained that this project helps address water scarcity concerns in the area: "With water becoming an ever-more precious resource, we have been very mindful to protect the residents of Sparks and all of the neighboring communities throughout the Truckee River region from increased costs. This project masterfully uses new technologies in repurposing wastewater and in so doing, off-sets $25 million in ratepayer investments in otherwise needed improvements. We are proud to have played a role in bringing this project to life."