OVH Group Data Center Photos

Exterior of GRA1
Posted in OVH Gravelines GRA1
Source: OVH
Posted in OVH SBG3
Source: OVH
SBG-2 Facility
Posted in OVH SBG2
SBG3 under-construction in 2017
Posted in OVH SBG3
Rendering of the OVH SBG Campus in Strasbourg
Posted in OVH Strasbourg Campus
Source: OVH
OVH Strasbourg Campus showing all 3 Buildings (2019)
Posted in OVH Strasbourg Campus
Source: Baxtel
Two of the ten generators of the SBG3 datacenter of 1250 kVA each, with an autonomy of 48 hours at full load
Posted in OVH SBG3
Source: OVH
Dramatic night photo of SBG2 burning
Posted in OVH Strasbourg Campus
Source: Bas-Rhin SDIS
Smoldering aftermath of the March 2021 fire the destroyed SBG2
Posted in OVH Strasbourg Campus
Source: Bas-Rhin SDIS