Jun 08, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji
Lincoln, Nebraska, looks to have seen the start of construction on a data center campus that was first proposed in 2019. According to the Lincoln Journal Star, the project appears to be progressing, with some excavation occurring in recent months.
In July 2019, Agate LLC filed for a 600 million-dollar data center facility in Lancaster County. On more than 570 acres of farmland circumscribed by N. 40th Street, Highway 77, Interstate 80, and Bluff Road, the company intends to construct a two-million-square-foot data center. A substation is located nearby on the other side of Highway 77. In September of that year, the shell company was granted its request. Agate paid approximately $18.6 million to acquire the ground at 8905 and 9385 N 56th Street from the Brager and White Family LLCs.
Per the Star-Journal, local developers and proprietors John Brager, Tom Schleich, and Tom White had previously proposed building a large commercial center on the site, but the project never got off the ground. It's still unknown who the entity behind Agate is, but the Star-Journal links the website to Google, which has several other campuses in Nebraska, mostly in the Omaha area.
However, no corporation has ever made a formal announcement regarding the project, and nothing has been constructed on the site to date.