Jan 21, 2022 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Lumen Technologies has won a $1.2 billion contract from the US Department of Agriculture. Lumen is to deliver a fully integrated wide-area data transport service to over 9,500 US Department of Agriculture locations across the country and around the world. With this contract, Lumen will offer a secure contact center, remote access, and cloud connectivity to the US Department of Agriculture locations. 

Zain Ahmed, the senior VP of Lumen public sector, said one of the largest cabinet agencies in the country had chosen the company to modernize its IT and network services securely. He added that Lumen is delighted to help USDA transform its digital technologies. Ahmed noted that the company would be introducing modern technology solutions that will allow USDA to accomplish its mission easily. The solutions will allow USDA to promote the production of good food for Americans while also providing great economic opportunities to Americans in rural areas.

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