Canada: Sophos sets its sights on expansion

Jul 21, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

As part of Sophos ongoing expansion, it has moved into Montreal, Canada, meaning the company now has a presence in the U.S., Germany, and Ireland, as well as Sydney, Australia and Tokyo, Japan. 

In a statement speaking about the rollout of these new data centers, the company said: "We're delighted to announce that our newest Sophos Central data center has gone live in Montreal, Canada. Sophos Central is the cloud-based management platform that supports our portfolio of advanced, next-gen security products."

Adding: "At launch, the Canada data center supports our Intercept X endpoint and server products – including Sophos XDR – as well as our full-disk encryption product, our Managed Threat Response service, and Cloud Optix*, with additional product support to come."

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