ServerFarm Realty : SeverFarm becomes signatory of European Climate Neutral Data Center Pact

Dec 13, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

ServerFarm is the latest signatory of the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact (CNDCP), a pact that commits signatories to become climate neutral by 2030. Achieving this goal will involve the company reducing the emissions its operations produce. Alongside joining the CNDCP, the company has also joined the Dutch Data Center Association. 

One way in which the company is pursuing the reduction in emissions is by modernizing buildings that already exist. According to ServerFarm, this reduces the need for carbon-intensive data center builds and moreover, an independent consultant found this leads to up to an 88% reduction in "embodied carbon emission when compared with standard new construction."

In a statement, Jochem Steman, Serverfarm's Vice President of Colocation Europe, commented: "With data centers in Amsterdam and London and executives across EMEA, Serverfarm's footprint in Europe is growing, yet we're dedicated to keeping our carbon footprint to a minimum." 

He added: "These two coalitions are powerful forces for the greater good in the European data center industry, and we're proud to work with other operators and trade associations to reel in carbon and energy usage. We've long believed that tackling data center sustainability must be a collaborative effort."