Connecticut: Plans are in the Works For a New Data Center in Beacon Falls, Connecticut

Mar 04, 2022 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

MyCitizenNews reports that O&G Industries is looking to develop a new data center in Beacon Falls, Connecticut. The Torrington-based construction firm already owns the 25 acres of land it plans to develop the facility on. Although the company didn’t reveal the plans for the data center, it said it would be investing up to $200 million in the development of the data center. The vice-chairman of the Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority, Jack Betkoski, said the data center development would have a great impact on Beacon Falls through the generation of tax dollars.

The company is still seeking approval to change the initial plan for the land to data center usage. It initially planned to use the site to develop a 63MW solar-powered fuel cell power plant. However, the O&G can’t approach the local Economic Develop Corporations for the approvals to develop the data center. It has to get a Memorandum of Understanding from the town to partake in a Pilot Program for fee agreement in place of taxes. Officials say the MoU is likely to be finalized in a month.

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