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Open Compute begins trials with hyperscale companies to test green concrete

Aug 25, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

 The Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP) has announced a new collaboration with several hyperscale companies including Google, AWS, Meta, and Microsoft to test developing and deploying low-embodied carbon concrete, or “green concrete.”  The initiative is in line with an open letter written by the Climate Accord to advocate for the use of “green concrete” in the industry. 

“Low-embodied carbon concrete represents a significant advancement in environmentally responsible building practices. By reducing the carbon footprint associated with concrete production, we can make a tangible impact in mitigating the data center industry's environmental impact. This demonstration will provide valuable insights into the performance and viability of low-embodied carbon concrete, paving the way for its widespread adoption throughout the industry,” said George Tchaparian, CEO at OCP.

Chris Walker, director of sustainability at AWS, said: “Traditional cement used in concrete is a large source of carbon emissions, but these projects show cement substitutes can be used to lower emissions without compromising the construction and durability of concrete. In 2023, we built 36 data centers with lower-carbon concrete, and we’ll continue working across our supply chain to drive its adoption.” 

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