NTT Silicon Valley SV1: NTT launches "Earthquake Resistant" data center

Apr 29, 2021 | Posted by Eric Bell

NTT has announced the launch of its "Earthquake Resistant" data center in Silicon Valley, the first of its kind in the US market. The facility has a capacity of 16MW and uses a base isolation system, enabling seismic stability and ensuring 60% less motion than a non-isolated, fixed building. 

The Santa Clara data center is NTT's sixth addition to its portfolio across North America and the third in this year alone. Brittany Miller, vice president of construction and design for the Global Data Centers Americas division of NTT Ltd, said the base isolation design will give clients protection and "peace of mind".

Meanwhile, Doug Adams, CEO for the Global Data Centers Americas division of NTT Ltd., said that this addition is part of a larger expansion plan in North America.

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