Oct 25, 2022 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Digital Realty and NTT are looking to develop new data centers in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. The firms filed applications for the new data centers with the State’s Department of Licensing. The plots of land in question are within one mile of one another. Digital Realty plans to develop a one-story, 16,800 square meters (181,200 square feet) core and shell data center at 1505 Ferris Road. The company is calling the development ‘Project Gold Garland. Digital Realty is looking to invest up to $59.4m in the project. Construction is expected to start on February 2023 and end in August 2024.

On the other hand, NTT is planning a larger data center. The company is looking to develop a 21,300 square meter (229,500 square feet) data center building at 2008 Lookout Drive. The data center will be located adjacent to its existing facility. NTT plans to invest up to $110m in the facility. 

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