Mar 29, 2022 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

NextDC has revealed more details of its Darwin data center in Australia. The Australian data center firm revealed its plans for an 8MW data center a while back. The facility will span across 32,300 square feet (3,000 square meters) of technical space. In addition, it will also have 15 data halls offering a capacity of 1,500 racks. According to NextDC, the D1 facility will offer 21,500 square feet (2,000 square meters) of Mission Critical Operations space (MCX). This will allow customers to operate business critical services like disaster management centers, security operations, mine sites, satellite operations, and network operations.

The CEO of NextDC, Craig Scroggie, said the company is committed to developing the Northern Territory digitally and it plans to extend its development beyond its initial D1 plans. Besides, he also noted that the company has already secured rights for enough land for the development of D2.

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