Microsoft Amsterdam : Microsoft plans to use rainwater to cool Dutch data centers after facing protests

May 24, 2021 | Posted by Eric Bell

After facing backlash from the resident of the Hollands-Kroon province, Netherlands, that its data center in the region could cause a shortage of drinking water, Microsoft has announced that it would now be using rainwater. Microsoft promised on TV that it would be using rainwater to cool its data centers in the region. It also said that it would be giving out the excess rainwater to greenhouses in the vicinity.

Microsoft has also approached ECW Energy, a Company with a record of reusing rainwater for fifteen years. Robert Kielstra of ECW Energy commented that Microsoft would only need 30% of the water it will collect on its Agriport sites. He also said that Microsoft would be supplying the remaining water to greenhouses.

Aerial shot of the large Microsoft data center campus at Agriport A7 in Middenmeer