Germany / Deutschland: IQM Quantum Computers launches first quantum data center in Munich, Germany

Jun 21, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

IQM Quantum Computers has opened its first quantum data center on the company’s premises in Munich, Germany which currently houses two IQM quantum machines and will eventually have space to host up to 12 quantum computers, with 800kW of power capacity.

“Our aim is to solve business challenges beyond classical supercomputing capabilities, and we are actively exploring various applications with error-mitigation techniques for optimal hardware performance,” said Dr. Jan Goetz, co-founder and co-CEO of IQM Quantum Computers, at the facility’s opening. “This quantum data center is an integral part of our global commitments to serve and collaborate with end-users from enterprises, research institutions, and government agencies.”

Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, added that the quantum data center forms part of the region’s "Munich Quantum Valley" initiative, which is being supported by a €300 million ($320.6m) funding package. “We see quantum computing as a great opportunity for the Bavarian economy," Aiwanger said.