Published in Virginia

Harbor Peak Starts Building a Fiber Conduit System to Connect Ashburn, Virginia Data Centers

May 05, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Harbor Peak, a joint venture specializing in carrier-neutral dark fiber, interconnect, and network planning services, has begun construction in Ashburn, Virginia, on a new middle-mile network infrastructure that will facilitate connectivity between numerous private and public data centers. In January, it was announced that the Harbor Peak project would construct a seven-mile, multi-duct fiber cable system throughout Ashburn's Data Center Alley. The conduit and fiber ring of Harbor Peak is designed to satisfy the growing market demands for data center interconnection in Northern Virginia.  The planned route integrates conduit for fiber optic cables to facilitate multi-path, high-speed connectivity, with an initial availability of at least 864 count fiber. 

The underground infrastructure system will offer local and long-distance dark fiber capacity and conduit access, in addition to straight interconnection access points. The network will enable lateral connections to the numerous data centers surrounding the conduit system and will connect to Harbor Link's 60-mile conduit construct along I-95 to Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland, for approximately 300 route miles between the networks. When the network is completed, regional data center operators can access a conduit and fiber network circuit that meets or exceeds G.652.d fiber specifications and standards. Carriers, data center providers, and network administrators may utilize the Harbor Peak network to meet their connectivity requirements for conduit or dark fiber access with leased options and long-term indefeasible rights or use (IRUs).

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