Dec 29, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Google has announced that it has canceled its $600 million data center in Becker, Minnesota, after calling off its electric service agreement. First announced back in 2019, and based near the Sherco power plant, Google dragged its feet on the development for quite some time, and although it received tax breaks and had secured promises from the county regarding infrastructure improvements, it never began work on the facility. 

On December 8th, following Google's failure to provide affiliate Honeycrisp with a notice to proceed, energy utility Xcel, which it was primed to buy 300 acres of land from, terminated its electric service agreements. Speaking about it decision, Google said:"While this project isn't progressing right now, that doesn't rule out engagement on projects in the future."

A Google spokesperson said: "We are proud to be part of the Minnesota community and remain committed to growing the industry and jobs in the state. While this project isn't progressing right now, that doesn't rule out engagement on projects in the future." According to reports, Xcel is also open to engaging with Honeycrisp regarding  projects in the future.

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