Sep 09, 2018 | Posted by Eric Bell

Google purchased 80MW of electrical power from Acciona Energy. The power will come from a 1.5 million sqm solar campus built in a piece of land measuring 280 hectares in the Atacama Desert, west of the Andes mountains and 645Km north of capital Santiago.

Solar energy will be used to power both the $150m data centre and Google’s offices in Quilicura.

The photovoltaic park opened in November 2016 occupies a piece of land of produces a total yearly power production of 493 GWh. Acciona Energy claims the plant avoids the production of 474,000 tonnes of CO2.

It consists of 776,000 solar panels and 55 million photovoltaic cells. The park is mounted on metal static structures covering 196 Km if lined-up.

The article was originally published on

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