Jun 30, 2018 | Posted by Eric Advinci

Two years after breaking ground on its first Irish data center, Facebook is planning another two facilities on the same campus in Clonee, Meath County, 10 miles (17km) north of Dublin, according to the Irish Times.

The data centers, representing an investment nearing €300 million ($349m), will be built on the same 200-acre plot as the company’s first facility, on which Facebook is spending approximately $220 million. Altogether, the new data centers will span 57,000 square meters (613,540 sq ft). Read more at Datacenter Dynamics

editor at Jun 30, 2018

From the article:

Dublin’s electrical grid is also under pressure, with the problem exacerbated by power-hungry data center projects. But rather than dissuade them, this has instead seen companies take matters into their own hands and use innovative approaches to energy provision.

For instance, Microsoft is installing 16 gas-powered generators totaling a capacity of 18MW on the site of one of its planned data centers at the Grange Castle Business Park; meanwhile local provider Dublin Routing 4 has chosen to rely on gas pipelines rather than the city’s antiquated, overburdened grid.

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