Digital Realty Trust: Environmental group launches appeal against Interxion's proposal for two data centers in Dublin

Sep 09, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Environmentalists are appealing against two data centers Interxion is planning to build in Dublin. The appeal, lodged with An Bord Pleanála (ABP) by John Conway and Louth Environmental Group, argues that there are a "disproportionate" number of data centers in the area and that the facilities' water usage could "divert a valuable resource away from the local community," a situation they say is "likely to get worse" as water scarcity becomes more of a problem and population increases. 

The proposal put forward by Digital Realty-owned Interxion is to build two 20MW data centers, DUB15 and DUB16, and was already confirmed in August 2022. It would see the removal of an unused wastewater treatment system, and include a gas-powered generator on the site to provide backup electricity to the two data centers.

This appeal comes following a renewed focus on electricity generation, environmental issues, and warnings of potential blackouts this winter.