Published in Digital Realty Trust

Digital Realty signs energy deal with Süwag Energie

Dec 28, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Digital Realty has announced that it signed a renewable energy agreement with the energy service provider Süwag Energie AG to procure hydroelectric power in Germany. Following this agreement, Digital Realty has secured Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) for 6,000MWh of hydropower – originating from the river Main – to start and run throughout 2024.

 Volker Ludwig, managing director, Digital Realty in Germany said, "We’re delighted to announce the inclusion of 6,000MWh of hydropower in our renewable energy portfolio. The new project with Süwag not only reinforces our commitment to sustainability but also underscores how having a robust local partner in place is instrumental in achieving our local sustainability goals. This strategic deal represents a significant step forward in our global renewable energy strategy and exemplifies our commitment to reducing our impact on the environment.”

Mario Beck, managing director sales at Süwag Energie, added, "The Süwag Group is investing in increasing the efficiency and performance of its hydropower plants and is planning to further expand renewable energy plants, such as wind power and photovoltaics, in the region."

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