Jul 24, 2018 | Posted by Eric Bell

Digital Realty, a global provider of data center, colocation and interconnection solutions and an IBM Business Partner, announced today it will expand dedicated, private access to the IBM Cloud in 15 major metropolitan areas around the world. These on-ramps help ensure efficient and secure access to vital enterprise applications in the IBM Cloud through Digital Realty’s Service Exchange platform and augment the numerous existing IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated Hosting deployments across multiple continents within Digital Realty’s global portfolio.

Businesses are turning to the cloud to extract new value from their data and deliver better customer experiences faster than ever before," said Kit Linton, vice president of Network, IBM Cloud. "The combination of Digital Realty’s extensive global reach and highly resilient connectivity from IBM Cloud Direct Link can help businesses build the protected, hybrid cloud environment they need to innovate at scale.

Direct access to IBM Cloud is now available through the Digital Realty Service Exchange and IBM Cloud Direct Link via more than 70 Digital Realty data centers in Amsterdam, Ashburn, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Miami, Phoenix, Portland, New York, Santa Clara, Seattle, Singapore, Sydney and Toronto. (Source: Light Reading)

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