Aligned: Data center companies use Ledger8760 to track carbon emissions

Dec 13, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Aligned, Ascent, Corscale, and T5 have all announced that they will be using Ledger8760's 24x7 tracking platform to record their carbon emissions' hour-by-hour. This tracking system will reportedly enable companies to be more transparent about their energy and utility data, and crucially, emissions.

According to the platform's provider, this technology will enable data center companies to identify when they're not employing the most efficient hardware, whether anything needs replacing, and whether companies' carbon strategy needs to be reconsidered and improved. The platform will also enable water usage tracking, linking emissions and water tracking to financial data.

Adam Kramer, CEO of Ledger8760, commented that many data center companies claim to be 100% green, but when analysing their 24/7 carbon intensity, fail to "back that up". He went on: "We see too many companies get caught up in receiving inaccurate emissions data or not capturing it often enough, but through our 24x7 tracking technology, we're enabling leaders to be less concerned with data gathering and more concerned with change, because you can't change what you can't measure. We're excited to help these data centers create a new standard for their industry and enable customers to more easily access the data they need to reach carbon-free energy goals."

Meanwhile, Craig McKesson, chief customer and marketing officer at T5 reflected: "At T5, we have the unique perspective of being both a facilities management service provider and a data center owner. Implementing Ledger8760 will finally enable us to efficiently and effectively baseline our ESG data and thus enable us to measure the overall impact of our carbon reduction initiatives while also providing our customers with a transparent, real-time view into their usage patterns.

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