South Dakota: Dakota State University wants $6m for data center remodeling

Jun 25, 2021 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Dakota State University (DSU) has requested $6 million and $1.8 million to replace its existing data center and IT hardware, respectively. The request was made during a meeting between South Dakota’s public university system and its governing body. DSU asked for funds to replace its existing data campus to meet current demand and allow future growth.

The university said the data center was built in the 1980s and the design doesn’t support the growth DSU is witnessing. They noted that without remodeling of the existing center, DSU would not be able to support more students as the room has almost reached its capacity for servers. Power and cooling are being pushed to their limits. DSU wants to expand its data center to around 14,000 square feet to meet current needs and allow for future growth.

DSU also wants $600,000 to rework and repair hardware, with an extra $1.2 million to replace and upgrade hardware.