Published in CyrusOne

CyrusOne’s European data center portfolio now 100 percent powered by renewable energy

Jun 02, 2021 | Posted by Eric Bell

CyrusOne just announced that all of its data centers in Europe are now running on 100% renewable energy. The Company has facilities in Dublin, London, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam, currently operating on renewable tariffs. Besides, the Company recently promised to be carbon neutral by 2040, and this new development means CyrusOne is on the right path to achieving its goal.

Steve Hayward, Senior Director, European Operations at CyrusOne, commented that the Company is proud of its milestone in Europe and is delighted to take a big step towards achieving a greener future.

CyrusOne Press Release on June 1, 2021:
LONDON, CyrusOne Inc. (NASDAQ: CONE), a premier global REIT, today announced it has achieved 100% renewable energy across its full European portfolio, nine years ahead of the 2030 target outlined in the self-regulatory Climate Neutral Data Center Pact, of which CyrusOne is a founding member.

With London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Dublin operating on a renewable tariff, CyrusOne’s entire operational portfolio in Europe is now powered by renewable energy with the help of local suppliers.

“We’re extremely proud of this milestone in Europe and pleased to be taking another step towards a greener future and embracing our responsibility to reduce our environmental impact,” says Steve Hayward, Senior Director, European Operations at CyrusOne. “Our progress in sustainability continues to be supported and driven by customers, who have come to expect high-grade, quality local power. As we evaluate new markets, the availability of renewable power will be central to our decision making.”

The move to 100% renewable energy in Europe is part of a broader effort by CyrusOne to deliver highly efficient and sustainable data center infrastructure to its customers globally. This includes effective design, maintenance and operation of all global facilities alongside dedicated water, habitat and energy conservation.

CyrusOne recently pledged to become a carbon-neutral operator by 2040, with the European portfolio on track to reach this goal by 2030. The company also published its first Sustainability Report last year and, as aforementioned, recently co-founded the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact, which includes 25 companies and 17 associations from across the industry and has a goal of making Europe climate-neutral by 2050.

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