Published in CyrusOne

Construction Of a Data Center By CyrusOne Has Begun In Quincy, Washington

Feb 20, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

CyrusOne is building a data center in Quincy, Washington. The corporation has a 45-acre block of land in the city of Washington State and has made it known that it intends to construct a campus there with built-to-suit buildings and a capacity of up to 96MW. The Columbia Basin Herald noted work on the site near the junction of D Street Northwest & Road R Northwest in Jan and confirmed with the corporation that a data center was being built; after that, it had not released many specifics about its initial facility. 

According to a CyrusOne spokesperson, preparation work was presently being done on the land to make it ready for construction. The Qunicy complex has a page on CyrusOne's website with some information, and the company made it clear that the facility will adhere to CyrusOne's present architecture, which would not consume water. The water that is injected during the filling procedure will be the water that it continuously recirculates because this most recent design features their regular closed-loop chilled water system. 

The website provides a link to a specification document, which is a little dated as it states that the facility would employ evaporative cooling. This pertains to a "prior design version," CyrusOne has verified, and it intends to amend the specification sheet. The website lists the building's square footage as 720,000 square feet and displays a drawing at the left side of the two-story structure as well as a layout that depicts six 60,000 square foot hallways on each level in addition to 160,000 square feet of two-story office space.

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