Sydney: Australia's Trifalga launches data center unit, plans 800,000 sq ft data center in Sydney

Dec 16, 2021 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Australian real estate company Trifalga is starting a data center unit with plans to have a largescale data center campus in Sydney. Trifalga and Trifalga DC’s first data center project will be an 800,000 square feet data center in Rouse Hill, Sydney. However, Trifalga did not reveal when the data center would go live. Local officials have also approved the development of the facility.

CEO of Trifalga, Joe Abboud, said data centers remain an innovative asset class that fits the company’s construction and development expertise. He noted that Trifalga is working with some potential edge compute and hyperscale partners for the rollout of different data center solutions across Australia. The company revealed that it would focus on edge and hyperscale markets in Australia. 

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