Published in Apple

Apple commences infrastructure improvements at Iowa data center

Mar 28, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Work is finally due to commence on Apple's Iowa data center, it has been announced. Infrastructure improvements are underway on the site, and the giant is also planning to expand and connect its Viborg data center in Denmark to a district heating scheme - a data center project that was completed back in 2019. 

Commenting on the development, in a statement, Apple said: "Over the next year, Apple will expand the Viborg data center's operations and build new infrastructure to capture excess heat energy for the city's long-term benefit. As with its data centers, all Apple offices and retail stores across 44 countries have sourced 100 percent clean energy since 2018, including through Green Bond proceeds."

Speaking about its long-term sustainability goals and how its investments link with that, Lisa Jackson, Apple's vice president of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives, commented: "Apple is committed to leaving the planet better than we found it, and our Green Bonds are a key tool to drive our environmental efforts forward. Our investments are advancing the breakthrough technologies needed to reduce the carbon footprint of the materials we use, even as we move to using only recyclable and renewable materials across our products to conserve the earth's finite resources."

In 2020, Apple inc produced approximately 22.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gasses, with its manufacturing process pegged as the main source of emissions. To address this, the company announced it had spent $4.7 billion in conjunction with its Green Bond investment fund to develop new low-carbon manufacturing technologies. 

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