Penta Infra: Glostrup: Penta Infra acquires Sentia Denmark's Smedeland data center

Jun 14, 2021 | Posted by Eric Bell

Penta Infra has announced its expansion into the Nordics by acquiring Sentia Denmark's data center in Smedeland, Glostrup.

Jakob Høholdt, Managing Director of Sentia Denmark, explained that the move to form a partnership with Penta Infra is due to the operating data center's not being Sentia's core business. Furthermore, the sale will allow the company to "free up resources" to deliver "good customer experiences" and focus on ensuring it can provide "the most optimal solutions".

Alex Bakker, Partner and Founder at Penta Infra, commented: "We are proud of Sentia's confidence in Penta to run this mission-critical facility. For Penta, this acquisition perfectly fits our strategy in expanding our European service offering to Denmark and adds another site to our existing edge facilities in Germany and the Netherlands."

He added: "We will invest in the datacenter in order to meet the increasing market requirements and to anticipate increasing market demand. As an experienced colocation datacenter service provider, we look forward to a successful cooperation with Sentia."