Google: Google signs new wind PPAs in Belgium

Jul 03, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Google has signed five new Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) totaling more than 118MW to procure wind energy in Belgium from Engie. Google will procure another 92MW from a Belgian wind farm in operation for eight years.

Vincent Verbeke, CEO of Engie Belgium, said: “We are pleased to partner with leading tech companies, and in particular Google, as most players in the sector significantly step up their infrastructure development and strengthen their decarbonized energy purchasing programs. As the leading developer of clean energy cPPAs, we are proud to contribute to the economic feasibility of new investments for renewable energy projects while supporting the operations and investments of energy-intensive industries, and promoting their local anchoring.”

Frédéric Descamps, head of data centers at Google in Belgium, added: “Sustainability has been at the heart of Google’s values ​​since its inception. We aim to have a positive impact on all the networks where we operate by working closely with leading energy companies such as Engie, a long-standing partner of Google in Belgium that shares the same commitments to our sustainability goals.”