maincubes one GmbH: Maincubes ties its loan repayments to sustainability targets.

May 18, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Germany data center firm Maincubes announced this week that it had added sustainability targets to its existing growth financing, linking the achievement of these targets to the financing conditions.

"The successful addition of the sustainability targets to our financing facility confirms the confidence of our lenders in Maincubes' long-term and sustainable expansion strategy. The 'Green Loan' provides us the opportunity to integrate sustainability not only into the operation and construction of our data centers, but also into our financing," said Arne Weber, CFO of Maincubes.

Waldemar Maurer, Partner at DTCP, the main investor of Maincubes, added: "The sustainability-linked financing is a great success for Maincubes and we are pleased that lenders value Maincubes' sustainability ambitions. Achieving the targets will further strengthen Maincubes' positioning. This is also a strong signal to Maincubes' customers, who are increasingly focusing on the sustainability of their data center provider in addition to operational redundancy and high security.”