Republic of Ireland: Tech giants secure gas hook ups for 11 new data center generators in Ireland

Apr 27, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

According to a report, nearly a dozen data centers in Dublin have secured permission to get hooked up to the Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) pipeline in the wake of grid restrictions in Ireland and de facto moratorium put in place by EirGrid. In total, eleven data centers will be connected to the gas network, bypassing the grid. 

As reported by The Times, this was unveiled in a letter sent by Aoife MacEvilly, the commissioner at the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU), to the joint Oireachtas committee on environment and climate action last month. 

Commenting on this in March, Eamon Ryan, Minister for the Environment, Climate, and Communications, said: “I have been advised by GNI that there is currently one data center connected to the gas network which is consuming gas in island mode in advance of completion of its electrical grid power connection.”

“GNI further inform me that as of February 2023, 11 data center sites are contracted to connect to the gas network and are currently anticipated to be enduring connections. Eight of these may utilize gas in island mode,” he added.

In a discussion about the news on Newstalk, Bríd Smith, People Before Profit TD, highlighted that the move will only worsen the emissions situation in Ireland and highlighted the danger that such deals pose to the planet. Smith also shared concerns that Ireland is on track to miss ​​legally binding EU emission targets and said that it could potentially face fines of around €3 billion by 2030.