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  • LCL to deploy more solar panels at its data center in Gembloux

Belgium: LCL to deploy more solar panels at its data center in Gembloux

Nov 25, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

LCL has announced that it is deploying more solar panels at one of its data centers, at the LCL Wallonia One site in Gembloux. Currently, the park has 2,000, but this expansion will see an addition of 1,300, taking the site’s generating capacity to 1.6MW. According to the Belgian data center firm, this addition will enable it to produce an extra 10 percent of its own energy needs. This aligns with the company’s goal to become carbon-neutral by 2030, across all of its data centers.

Discussing this, Nicolas Coppée, Manager of LCL Wallonia One data center, said that this extension means that LCL Data Centers is "one step closer to the next generation of data centers." Adding: "In future we want to be a key player in the electrical grid with local production of green energy, storage of our production, and its consumption at the best time.”


Meanwhile, Belgian telecommunications minister Petra De Sutter who recently visited LCL’s data center in Gembloux called the Gembloux facility on of the country's "most sustainable." He said: "Its solar panel park produces green electricity that partly covers its own needs. Practically speaking, this means investing in renewable energy. The more parties invest in it, whether for their own use or for sale to third parties, the faster we will make our companies sustainable. So I’m delighted with LCL’s decision to extend its solar park."

Laurens van Reijen, Managing Director of LCL Data Centers, commented that by expanding the solar panels park at LCL Wallonia One, the company will use "even more green energy," helping it work toward  becoming more sustainable in the near and long term. Adding: "We also want to encourage our suppliers and other companies in the industry to make greater use of green energy, as this is one of the only ways we can work together for a more sustainable world.”