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  • Orange deploys solar panels at two of its data center sites in Poland

Orange: Orange deploys solar panels at two of its data center sites in Poland

Oct 27, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Orange has announced that it has deployed solar panels at two of its data center sites in Poland, made possible by a lease mode, signing a 20-year deal with Green Mobile Polska.

According to reports, the panels have been operational since last week and Orange outlined that in the first two days of operation, it produced 3.2 MWh of electricity and is estimated to produce 350 MWh of green energy per year.

In an announcement, the company said: “We have just launched photovoltaic installations at the Data Processing Center in Łódź with a capacity of 370 kWp. This will cover approx. two percent of the annual energy demand of the entire facility.” Adding: “Such a model of cooperation allows you to save on energy from the first day of commissioning, without incurring large investments.”