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  • Data Center in Florida Occupied By Sprint Up For Sale

Miami: Data Center in Florida Occupied By Sprint Up For Sale

Aug 23, 2022 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

A Sprint Telecom-occupied data center in Florida has been put up for sale. The data center is located at 360 S. Lake Destiny Drive, Orlando. According to a property listing, the data center spans 2,430 square meters (26,245 square feet). It also sits on a 3.11-acre of land. The facility currently has an annual net operating income of $450,000+ in the first year. It also has a 3% yearly rent increase. 

Sprint is a subsidiary of T-Mobile and has fully leased the facility for the last 24 years. It also recently renewed its lease on the building to make it run for another five years. The asking price for the building was not revealed. However, the real estate agency putting it up for sale says the price is negotiable.