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  • Google opens Milan, Italy, region in partnership with TIM

Google: Google opens Milan, Italy, region in partnership with TIM

Jun 21, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Google has announced it has opened a cloud region, in Milan, Italy, in partnership with TIM, namely the Europe-west8 region, its first in this region, following both AWS and Microsoft doing the same. According to the giant, it will bring on a second in Turin, which will happen over the next few months. 

In a blog post making the announcement, the company said that it predicts this move will lead to a generation of €3.3 billion, with 65,000 new jobs in Piedmont and Lombardy over the next three years. 

In a statement, Babio Fregi, country manager Italy, said: "The addition of two Italian cloud regions, starting with Milan, is not only part of our commitment to aid in the digital recovery of Italy but to continue expanding our digital footprint. Built in collaboration with Telecom Italia (TIM), the new Milan region aims to provide innovative public, private, and hybrid cloud services to help Italian companies of all sizes and across all industries accelerate digital transformation."

This addition brings Google's total regions to 34, with 103 zones in more than 200 countries.