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  • OADC Launches First Data Center in South Africa, Plans 100 Edge Facilities Across The Country

South Africa: OADC Launches First Data Center in South Africa, Plans 100 Edge Facilities Across The Country

May 09, 2022 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced the opening of its first data center in South Africa. The company’s first data center is located in Durban, and it offers up to 23,700 square feet (2,200 square meters) of white space. It also offers 5MW of capacity. In addition, the Durban data center will also host the cable landing of the 2Africa submarine cable. 

The Chief Technical Officer at OADC, Bob Wright, said the continent had seen enormous investments for hyperscale data centers. However, presence in a single facility is no longer enough to meet the needs of a country or region. In light of this, ISPs, 5G operators, and fiber operators are looking for cost-effective ways to ensure connectivity reaches new markets. Wright noted that the company is developing secure Edge data center infrastructure across the continent to support companies or clients looking for cost-efficient network infrastructure.

OADC will also open its second core facility in Lagos, Nigeria, later in the year. The facility sits on a four-acre site, and it costs $100 million. According to the company, the data center will have a capacity of 20MW while offering 77,500 square feet (7,200 square meters) of white space. OADC also plans to deploy more than 100 0.5MW Edge data centers across the South Africa before the end of the year.