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  • Facebook's DeKalb data center in first stage of construction

Meta: Facebook's DeKalb data center in first stage of construction

Jan 18, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Facebook’s data center in DeKalb located east of Route 23 and south of Gurler Road, has almost reached its first phase of completion, while the second phase of construction has been approved. According to reports, an initial investment of $800 million has been made, a figure that is likely to increase as the project develops.

Speaking about the project, City Manager Bill Nicklas, said: “Facebook committed to a multi-phase project. So they’re just in the first phase now, and this phase is about a two-year phase.” 

Meanwhile, commenting on the job creation resulting from the project, he outlined: “Their (Facebook’s) intention from everything we’ve seen in their meetings I’ve attended with their representatives, and some of our local businesses and chamber commerce and so forth, is to hire as much as they can locally.”