Google: Google to move into Eagle Mountain, Utah?

Oct 05, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Google has reportedly purchased 300 acres in Eagle Mountain, Utah, which could potentially be home to a new data center. Google already has offices in the region, in Salt Lake City and Provo. The plot of land is located in the south on Pony Express Parkway, near Facebook’s 1.5 million-square-foot facility data center, which is currently under construction.

Google has not released its full plans for the site but said in a statement: “Google has acquired a site in Eagle Mountain, UT, for a potential data center. While we do not have a confirmed timeline for development for the site, we want to ensure that we have the option to further grow should our business demand it.”

Commenting on the tech giant’s land purchase, Mayor Tom Westmoreland: “Google choosing Eagle Mountain is a testament to the strength of our workforce and economy. We hope they decide to build here and look forward to partnering with them in the future.”

He added: “This announcement solidifies Eagle Mountain’s position in the technology industry... and that our previous Fortune 100’s were not a fluke. Eagle Mountain has an important part to play in the future of our residents and the state.”

According to Utah County Commissioner Bill Lee Google’s written promise outlines that it will spend $1.2 billion in the region over the next 30 years.