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  • Google data center in Bnei Zion, Israel faces protest from locals

Google: Google data center in Bnei Zion, Israel faces protest from locals

Sep 14, 2021 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Residents of Bnei Zion, Israel, are protesting against the construction of Google’s data center in the town. The locals have petitioned the Lod District Court to revoke the approval for the data center. The residents are worried over the health and environmental impact of the center project.

Google’s Bnei Zion Site is located in the Sharon locality, north of Tel Aviv. It is sited on a 3.2-acre plot. The Company already began construction on the site in July, and it is scheduled to start operation in late 2022. According to reports, the town residents are worried about the data center’s cooling equipment’s noise. They are also concerned about the non-ionizing radiation from the RF radio, cellular, and electrical operations at the site. The residents also claim that little information was shared with them before work began on the site, which flawed the planning process.