Jul 01, 2021 | Posted by Eric Bell

Thésée DataCenters has opened its first data center in Aubergenville, France. The data center coined TDC01 has 64,500 square feet of floor space in two rooms. The Uptime Institute has also certified the facility as Tier IV. 

According to Thésée DataCenters' president, Christophe Bouniol, the Company has plans for six buildings with a total floor space of over 323,000 square feet across a three-hectare site.

The Company also plans to construct a new building every 18 to 20 months while investing up to €100 million ($118.8 million). Thésée DataCenters is funded by Groupe IDEC Invest, and Banque des Territoires. Both of these firms have a 24.9% stake in the Company.

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