Tencent Cloud: Tencent Cloud launches first internet data center in Brazil

Nov 25, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Tencent Cloud has announced that it has opened its first data center in São Paulo, Brazil. This means, Tencent Cloud now spans 68 available zones across the world, including 27 geographical areas. The expansion comes to meet the growing digitalization demand in the country. 

Poshu Yeung, Senior Vice President, Tencent Cloud International, said, "Brazil is a dynamic and exciting market with an increasing number of digital high-growth companies looking to ensure consistent and reliable digital experiences for their clients and consumers both in Latin America and around the world. We are very excited about this announcement and our future plans for the market."

Speaking about the company's expansion, Glaucio Marques, CEO of Level Up!, a partner of Tencent Cloud, commented: "As a partner of Tencent Cloud, Level Up! looks forward to welcoming Tencent Cloud's entry into the Latin American market. This new infrastructure in place allows us and other institutions across a wide of range of business sectors to capitalize on Tencent Cloud's years of experience in providing stable and robust networking solutions."

Adding: "We are excited to leverage the strong infrastructure solutions to optimize gamers' experience and provide better services for our customers."