Teleindia Datasamudra: Teleindia Networks' subsidiary opens new data center in Bangalore, India

Oct 31, 2021 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

The subsidiary of Teleindia Networks' subsidiary Data Samudra has announced the launch of its first data center. The facility has 100,000 square feet of space and it is located in Bangalore’s KIADB IT Park. In addition, the facility will offer up to 25,000 square feet of colocation space and 3MW of capacity across 500 racks.

CEO of Teleindia, Mahantesha KA, said Data Samudra is a stepping stone for Teleindia. He noted that Data Samudra helps change the company’s process to a customer-centric outcome-based value proposition from traditional services business. Mahantesha further added that the company has a goal to grow Data Samudra across different geographies and locations in India in the future.