Published in United Kingdom

Royal Bank of Scotland data center to be demolished

Mar 29, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

The former Royal Bank of Scotland data center in Stone Business Park could be demolished, it has been reported. This news comes as Stafford Borough Council announces it has received a demolition application for the 10,500 sqm (34,500 sq ft) facility.

The town council has reportedly raised no objections to the demolition proposal, but has made a request that conditions are attached to the planning approval/permission regarding the hours of operation with “no Saturday, Sunday, or Bank Holiday working.”

The council’s response added: “The management of dust should also be specified with conditions relating to damping down. All conditions should be strictly adhered to throughout the demolition period.”

That said, while the council has raised no opposition to the application, locals do have concerns. Noise pollution, disturbance, and environmental concerns have been raised by the community. Moreover, according to reports, an ecological survey has found there were signs of nesting for birds.

PLP, a logistics property business, has purchased the facility, which has applied for ‘full planning permission for the erection of a building for B2/B8 use with ancillary offices, hub office, gatehouse, service yards, parking and circulation routes, together with new access off Brooms Road, associated hardstanding, landscaping, substation, gas housing, ring main unit, smoking, and cycle shelters, transformer and ancillary works’.

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