Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.: Panama Digital Gateway data center prepares for June launch

May 21, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

The Panama Digital Gateway data center from Telecom Italia's Sparkle is set to launch in June after significant delays caused by the pandemic and supply-chain issues.

Initially, due to launch in 2022, Mauricio Traverso, executive VP for the Americas at Sparkle, said that the project, which comprises a data center and a submarine integration system, will go ahead.  

The data center is pegged to offer 3,200 sqm of colocation space, with over 600 racks and 5 MW of power. Further, the facility is set to have a PUE of 1.4. 

The Panama Digital Gateway zone is one of two regions of the country approved as a free tech zone.  Speaking about this, the trade and industry ministry said in a statement: "This free zone will have a privileged position that will allow the reduction of international traffic costs and latency, allowing large content companies to be closer to their end users, which leads to the potential of Panama as a digital hub in the region, positioning itself as a strategic place for the reception of new submarine cable projects, and consequently improving the competitiveness and connectivity of our country."