Oct 13, 2021 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

French colocation and cloud provider OVHcloud has experienced a global outage. The company experienced an outage that lasted more than one hour when it started at around 7:00 UTC. OVH revealed that a maintenance reconfiguration error caused it. Besides, OVHcloud’s status page was brought down due to the outage. The founder of OVH, Octave Klaba, said the company has a problem with its entire backbone because of a human error that occurred when reconfiguring the network on its DC to VH. He also added that they planned to isolate the DC VH before fixing the configuration.

OVHcloud witnessed a fire outbreak at its Strasbourg campus which destroyed its SBG2 data center. The fire caused OVHcloud a lot of data losses and outages. Besides, the fire is also expected to cause the company over €105 million ($122m) in settlements. 

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